By: Abdurrahman El-Hafid
Build strength in each of our minds to do something is a good start. In each of our behavior in thinking, there is a positive thinking there is also a negative. Or in terms of religion called Husnudzhan to think positive and Suudzhan to the negative. Now how do these two ways of thinking can affect the way we think of others and can also affect the extent to which we can benefit in terms of worship or charity.
Everyone wanted to run an ideal life, but not a life of its name if it is always ideal. For this is the tabi `at of life. We certainly do not want negative thoughts to someone, but the ENVIRONMENTALcondition which sometimes affect the way we think. Eventually we become human beings are affected, not human influence.
Let us see how truly positive thinking and negative thinking is influential in us. At the moment we do bad thought to others, then when we correct supposition we have got 2 ugliness, ugliness of prejudice first because it is part of a despicable character, and the ugliness of the two because when the suspicion was correct, we feel happy, while people who uncovered her shame felt terzhalimi. And this must be distinguished by the term tabayyun, clarify doubts. Meanwhile, when the suspicion we were wrong to others we also get 2 ugliness, the ugliness of do bad thought to others and ugliness because it has been slandering others. That is how real it can make berburuk thought we can not set our hearts to understand to others.
Furthermore, how Positive Thinking can affect us. By the time we thought kind enough to others, then when the suspicion of our good we really have got 2 happiness, goodness, the first is because both the suspect is part of the noble morality, and kindness that both are good other people were happy because we thought good. Meanwhile, when both our prejudices to others is wrong, then we actually get 1 good, the goodness of the act would have thought.
This is real versus Negative Thinking Positive Thinking, has the distinction very far. So, we better be kind claims, because, one, and Actually get good activity, but instead when we do bad would have thought, right to get one also get the ugliness and ugliness.
Reveal continue in us positive individuals, think of the human fithrah to provide the best for others. Let us become a person who is able to show good personal. Only people who will let menuaikan goodness, it did according goodness as much as possible so that you always reap the goodness of the good that you've previously planted to other people.
Positive thinking will make our lives more alive, more meaningful and more useful. You will feel the incredible freshness in your life when you've started to implement these positive thinking. You are the one who will start it, you own that will enjoy the freshness. Good luck and enjoy!
"This is real versus Negative Thinking Positive Thinking, has the distinction very far. So, we better be kind claims, because, one, and Actually get a good, but when we do bad otherwise would have thought, right to get one also get the ugliness and ugliness. "
Negative Thinking VS Positive Thinking
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on Tuesday, October 5, 2010
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